“Kalu – Growing Up Wild” is a short documentary about the challenges a baby spider monkey named Kalu faces growing up in the jungle of the Osa Peninsula in Costa Rica. He must learn to climb, forage for food, communicate, face predators and make difficult decisions in order to survive. It shows the resilience and beauty of nature and highlights the importance of protecting it for future generations. The film is narrated by George McGavin, one of Britain’s leading entomologists and naturalists, and produced with support from the BioSur Foundation & Lands For Biological Diversity.
Producers: BioSur Foundation, Lands For Biological Diversity, Matteo Clarke & Roman Willi
Directors: Matteo Clarke & Roman Willi
Narrated by: George McGavin (EN) & Mariela Baltodano (ESP)
Original Score: Jack McKenzie
Sounddesign: Marios Themistokleus
Colorgrade: Karolina Matela
– “Best Short film” at FIIN
– “Best Wildlife Documentary” & “Best Cinematography” at Discover.Film Awards
– “Prix De La Réalisation” at Festival L’Animal Qui Court
– “Best Short Film” At Pridelands Wildlife Film Festival